Xiaoxue (Snow) Zhou

Principal Investigator


I am a physical chemist turned cell biologist fascinated by cell signaling, both by how it works and how it evolved. I grew up in China and went to Peking University to study Chemistry before moving to the States for graduate school. I received my PhD in Chemical Physics at Stanford University, where I discovered a passion for cell biology and microscopy in Dr. Julie Theriot's lab working on bacterial cell division. I then performed postdoctoral studies on intracellular signaling and cell cycle control in the labs of Dr. Angelika Amon and Dr. Stephen Bell at MIT. I started as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Biology at NYU in 2024.

Fun fact: "Xiaoxue" means "morning snow" in Chinese.

Smrthi Krishnamurthi

Junior Laboratory Associate


I am an animal/wildlife enthusiast on the path to bridge my love for animals with my keen passion for scientific research. I grew up in India but moved back to the USA to pursue my master’s in biology at NYU, where I found genetics and molecular biology ever so fascinating having worked on gene manipulation in Caenorhabditis. In the Snow Lab, I am a technician working towards understanding the evolutionary changes of genes in the MEN pathway and their varying functions in related yeast species. I hope to one day be able to explore wildlife epidemiology and ethology through understanding both host and pathogen biology.

Fun fact: I am a trained Carnatic Music Vocalist.

Julia Matthews

Senior Laboratory Associate


I am an associate researcher who is fascinated by evolutionary processes in organisms, ranging from pathogens to wildlife populations. I grew up in Los Angeles, California and moved to New York City to earn my bachelor’s degree in Biology at NYU. I have explored a wide range of molecular biology projects as a full time researcher, including influenza evolution and CNV dynamics in natural yeast populations. I joined the Snow Lab in January 2024, where my current research is focused on the evolution of mitosis and the MEN pathway in Cryptococcus neoformans. In the future, I hope to earn a Ph.D. in molecular ecology and use my research background to inform conservation strategies.

Fun fact: I am a linocut artist and love introducing other people to relief printing.

Budding yeast

Model Organism #1